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Blanský les PLA

One of the youngest and smallest PLA in Bohemia.

The Protected Landscape Area was established here in 1989. It covers an area of 212.35 km2 and belongs to the most naturally valuable part of the region. As reported by the PLA Administration: "it is a well-preserved landscape complex in the wider foothills of the Bohemian Forest with a harmoniously balanced natural environment, which is not unduly disturbed by the negative effects of human activity."

Why is the Blanský les PLA so unique? It is mainly preserved fauna and flora, which is complemented by a number of historical monuments and folk architecture. The flora and vegetation of limestone islets are interesting and varied, and also hosts remarkable insects and molluscs. The distinctive flora and fauna can also be found on the serpentine outlets. So far, about 900 species of vascular plants have been detected in the PLA. There are 15 nature reserves in the PLA.