Kvilda Nová Pec České Budějovice Zvíkovské Podhradí Kamýk nad Vltavou Praha Mělník
4. section

Zvíkovské Podhradí – Kamýk nad Vltavou

The fourth section is mainly the Orlík Dam, which connects the Jihočeský and Středočeský Regions. A place where water from the Vltava River is regulated and used for recreation. Motorboats, sailboats, sightseeing boats or sports-recreational craft like water scooters or boats pulling waterskiers are driving along the surface of the Orlík Dam. The surroundings of the dam are lined with campsites and beautiful views. It is definitely not possible not to visit places majestically towering above the dam - the castles of Orlík and Zvíkov or a view of the horseshoe near Solenice.

What to do in the 4. section

Tourist activities


What goes on along 4. the section